Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fortune Cookie...

I was at a client lunch meeting today with Cisco at the "Red Dragon". The lunch meeting went smooth and was very successful. At the end the fortune cookies arrived. I am not typically one for believing in these, afterall, most companies have a catalog of 10,000 fortunes with a quarter of them in rotation at any given time, however, this one caught my eye and I knew that I had to save it for our son to be son's "Life Book" outlining our journey to him. Here is what the fortune cookie said "Good news will come to you from far away".....Very appropriate.

I also came home to find our Dossier's Kits on the doorsteps. These binders of paperwork and information are very overwhelming, so they will sit on the coffee table for a day or two until we are ready to dive into the next step in this process :)